Thermography Breast Screenings at Our Office

Hi Everybody,

BREAST THERMOGRAPHY- Those of you that are long time subscribers know that we are big fans of the use of Thermography for breast cancer screenings. Thermography is more comfortable than mammograms, it puts no radiation in the body like a mammogram does, and it does not “squish” breast tissue like a mammogram, which can spread cancer cells if they have already formed.

NOW AVAILABLE AT OUR CLINIC- The toughest part of thermography screenings is finding a facility who will perform them. Recently, we discovered a group out of Nashville called “BRAS” (Breast Cancer Awareness and Support) that performs these tests in the surrounding areas. They have agreed to come out to our clinic to perform the tests for anyone interested. Their only prerequisite is that we have at least 8 people who have signed up for the screening for them to make the trip out here.

THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE TEST- First, stay out of sunlight the day of the test. Do not use lotions or liniments on the day of the test. And do not smoke for 2 hours prior to the test. There is no need to alter your diet or medication intake.

Also, Insurance is kind of spotty about paying for the screening…some insurance plans will cover it, and some will not, so call your insurance company with any questions on coverage before you sign up, if that is an issue. The costs for the procedure are: breast exam is $195, half- body exam (upper or lower) is $295, and an entire body scan is $495.  You pay the technician on the day of the exam.  If your insurance does cover it, we will help you file your insurance to get reimbursed.

If you would like to get your name on the list, please call our office at 731-632-9100.  We don’t have a specific date at this point because we cannot book the date until we have enough people interested.  However, we will make sure to work it out so that all interested parties are able to participate.

Hope this helps,

Dr Matt and Dr Robin (email)

This week’s bit of Useless Information:  Trees can send warning signals to other trees about insect attacks. 

This email is courtesy of Matthew Barnes, D.C. and Robin Barnes, D.C.  Neither this nor any of our emails are intended to be medical advice and should not be taken as such.  They are opinion and are for informational purposes only.  None of the nutrients discussed here are meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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