Hi Everybody,
Here are a few new ones for you…
OUR NEW WEBSITE- We have put up a little website at www.Barnes-Chiro.com. Please check it out when you get time and let us know what you think. Most of our patients come from word of mouth, so we did not necessarily create this website to generate more business, but to let prospective patients read more about us so they know how we operate and what to expect.
Please note that the website is still under construction but moving slowly. We have not had the time to work on it lately. We plan on putting more pictures up and figuring out how to load the pictures properly (notice Matt’s head is cut off in the picture under staff). We also have an archive of our newsletters so if you need to go back and find something it will be there.
If you have any suggestions or input, we’d love to hear it. We are trying to keep the website very simple, very easy to find what you are looking for. What we do not want is a fancy, hard to navigate site.
DAILY ASPIRIN USE LINKED WITH PANCREATIC CANCER- The Orthomolecular Society, a society of medical doctors who research and use natural treatments like vitamins, has been pretty stirred up lately due to all the bad press that has been published about vitamins. They contend that the studies are not accurate and that the media is hyping up the erroneous findings.
As an example of how much control the Pharmaceutical side of medicine has, the Orthomolecular Society listed major findings that have NOT been published widely by the media.
One such study you may not have heard about is researchers recently found that women who take just one aspirin per day for 20 years or more increased their chances of pancreatic cancer (a very quick and deadly form of cancer) by 58%. Women who took 2 or more per day had an alarming 86% greater chance of developing pancreatic cancer.
The Orthomolecular Society pointed out that if just one case of pancreatic cancer was caused by a vitamin, it would make headline news, and the FDA would have that vitamin pulled off the market in a week, and there is a double standard for pharmaceutical drugs.
UPSTREAM MEDICINE- A term that is used often in natural medical circles but you may not have been exposed to is “upstream medicine”. The idea behind upstream medicine is to catch a disease before it has fully developed and treat the cause (upstream), instead of waiting until the disease has developed and then treating the symptoms (downstream).
For example, suppose an animal dies in a stream and its decaying carcass contaminates the water. About a hundred feet downstream the water collects into a pool, which is where everybody drinks from. Emergency medicine would recognize that people were getting sick from the water which was contaminated, so they would treat the water to kill off the contaminants. But this has to be done over and over until all the contaminant is gone. Upstream medicine says to go upstream, find the cause of the pollution (the decaying animal), remove it from the stream, and the watering hole will soon be fine on its own. Of course, until then you need emergency medicine to test the water and treat it until it is all clear.
Another example is a trash dump. Suppose a trash dump is filthy and so rats and flies show up. To combat this problem, emergency medicine puts out poison to kill off the rats and flies. That is fine, but until the trash dump is cleaned, more flies and more rats will just keep showing up. The same goes with your body. When your body is unhealthy, bacteria and viruses and other culprits move in, because they are simply attracted to decay. If particularly bad, you may need emergency medicine to step in a kill some of these invaders off. But until you clean up your body, more bad guys will simply keep on coming.
Hope this helps,
Dr Matt and Dr Robin
This week’s bit of Useless Information: If in danger, a groundhog will produce a high-pitched alarm whistle to warn the rest of its family. This is how they got the nickname “whistle-pig” in some regions. Other groundhog sounds include squeals, barks, and tooth grinding.
This email is courtesy of Matthew Barnes, D.C. and Robin Barnes, D.C. Neither this nor any of our emails are intended to be medical advice and should not be taken as such. They are opinion and are for informational purposes only. None of the nutrients discussed here are meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.