Flu Vaccines?

Hi Everybody

Here’s a few new tidbits for you regarding the vaccine controversy…

PIERS MORGAN GETS SICK AFTER GETTING FLU SHOT ON DR OZ SHOW: Piers Morgan went on the Dr Oz show where he got a flu vaccine in order to dispel the myth that flu vaccines cause you to get sick, or that they don’t work.  Days later, Piers Morgan was sick.

When he was starting to feel bad, Morgan was interviewing Dwight Yoakam and asked him… “You’re a singer; you must have had sore throats over the years. As you can tell, things are deteriorating. Is there any advice you can give me?” to which Yoakam replied “Don’t ever take a flu shot again,”

Morgan told Yoakam, “We’re both doing the math, so I mean, we both saw him put that thing in my arm and within 10 days I’m struck down.”


1. Piggy backing on the tail of the Piers Morgan story is a story from Reuters claiming that nearly 800 children in Europe developed narcolepsy as a result of being vaccinated with the Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine.

2. Additionally, In October 2012, according to the Wall Street Journal, Switzerland banned a flu vaccine after they found the vaccines were possibly contaminated.

3. This past September, a study led by Vancouver’s Dr. Danuta Skowronski, an influenza expert at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, found that people who received a flu shot before the outbreak of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic were more likely to get infected with the swine flu virus than those who didn’t take it.

4. Also, in July 2010, a report from Australia’s The Age found that flu vaccines sent 100 infants into life-threatening convulsions, after which Australian health authorities were forced to reiterate a ban on the vaccine.

5. The CDC also lists seizures in children as a “moderate” side effect of injecting the Influenza vaccine.

CONTROVERSIAL: The flu vaccine is very controversial, and will probably continue to be that way, with supporters adamantly in favor, and detractors adamantly against, with neither side willing to budge regardless of the evidence.  Our advice?  Look into the subject yourself and do what you feel is best for yourself and your family.  For us, that means erring on the side of safety and choosing to refrain from being vaccinated.

Hope this helps,

Dr Matt and Dr Robin

mattandrobin@yahoo.com (email)

This week’s bit of Useless Information:  Rhinos are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn.  A rhinoceros’s horn is made of compacted hair.

This email is courtesy of Matthew Barnes, D.C. and Robin Barnes, D.C.  Neither this nor any of our emails are intended to be medical advice and should not be taken as such.  They are opinion and are for informational purposes only.  None of the nutrients discussed here are meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

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